Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Giving thanks for help at the holidays

Two North Carolina families are thankful this holiday season for NCDOC probation officers who were there to help them after serious traffic accidents.

Probation officer Danny Liles was about to break for lunch in Siler City last Friday when he came upon the scene of an accident that had just happened – a woman’s car had crashed into a telephone pole.  Liles and others who rushed to the car found the victim unresponsive behind the wheel.  The car was in gear and the door locked.  They tried to rock the car to rouse the woman, but that didn’t work.

Moments later State Troopers arrived and smashed a rear window to open the driver’s door. One trooper quickly assessed the driver and found she was not breathing. Liles and another trooper carefully removed her from the car and began CPR, with Liles handling the compressions. They continued CPR until paramedics arrived to relieve them. The woman is now at home recovering from a previously unknown heart condition that’s believed to have caused the accident.

PPO Margret Crumroy was on the way to work in Scotland County last Tuesday morning when she saw a truck skid on black ice and smash in to a utility pole -- sending sparks flying as the pole crashed down. Officer Crumroy assisted a mother and her scared children out of the wrecked vehicle and remained with them, providing comfort until help arrived.  After emergency responders arrived, Officer Crumroy helped direct traffic around the accident scene.

Thanks to both officers for a job well done!